11th Annual Hoe Down

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Celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month and the Exrtaordinary Educator of the year recipient – Please send your nominations ASAP to melissa@dsasbc.org – with family & friends! Eat, drink, play and dance the night away to the tunes of Dusty Jugz (aka The Rincons)! Dinner, dancing, silent auction, horse drawn carriage rides, face painting, family fun and games! Tickets available online https://www.eventbrite.com/e/11th-annual-hoedown-tickets-410808097077 and at the door.

Annual Valentines Dinner Dance Party

Join us Saturday, February 22, 2020 – from 5-9pm at the Goleta Community Center. Come dance to the tunes of the fabulous DJ Gavin Roy, enjoy activities and games with friends and dinner and desert too! This is a great event for families and friends of all ages and abilities. We will have crafts, table games, photo booth, face painting and more! Something for everyone! Hosted by the DSASBC for our Special Needs Community! Tickets available online and at the door. Click for tickets https://www.eventbrite.com/e/valentines-dinner-dance-party-tickets-91650770923

10th Annual Hoedown Dinner Dance

Celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month and the Exrtaordinary Educator of the year recipient – Please send your nominations ASAP to melissa@dsasbc.org – with family & friends! Eat, drink, play and dance the night away to the tunes of Dusty Jugz (aka The Rincons)! Dinner, dancing, silent auction, horse drawn carriage rides, face painting, family fun and games! Tickets available online https://www.eventbrite.com/e/10th-annual-hoedown-tickets-70314056235 and at the door!

Monthly Happy Hour at the Creekside

Join us for a casual get together for parents/caregivers of all of our special needs children the 3rd Tuesday of the month – stop by anytime. A chance for parents to visit in a relaxed environment. We will be on the lower patio area or inside in the side room off of the bar if its cold. Its OK to bring the “kids” if you want to – we will have child care available. The Creekside is a great family friendly restaurant so you can make it a night out and even stay for dinner after Happy Hour! Hope you can stop by! Please contact Melissa@dsasbc.org or (805)886-4411 for more info:) Less